Survey – Teenagers (13-18 years)

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Thanks for your patience while our website takes its time! We know it can be a bit slow, but your answers really matter and will help make a big difference. We're grateful for your time and sticking with us!

In the words of Whitney Houston:
‘I believe the children are our future.’

At the start of this survey, we’ll ask for your postcode to understand which area you’re from, but we won’t ask for your name or any personal details. Your answers will stay completely anonymous because your safety and privacy are our priority.

We simply want to hear your voice and learn more about the experiences of young people in our community.
To better understand the needs of our community and advocate for meaningful change, we’d like to ask a few optional questions about your background.

All information is confidential and will only be used to improve community services.
Please select the option that best describes you. If you prefer not to answer, please select “Prefer not to say
Is English your first language?
Do you have a physical or mental disability?
(Please select all that apply)
Do you feel that you or someone in your household has faced challenges accessing health services related to disabilities?
Does someone in your household have a physical or mental disability?
(Please select all that apply)
Do you or your family ever experience times where you struggle to pay your bills, afford a healthy diet, or worry about not having enough money to do so
Do you or your family struggle to find ways to help yourself stay fit, healthy and live well?
Do you or your family feel you have somewhere to go for help, advice or support if you needed it?
Would you use a telephone support line or helpdesk to assist with finding services or contacting organisations?
What kind of activities or support would you like to find in your Community?
Tick all that apply:
What kind of activities or support would you like to find in your Community?
What are the things that are most important to you right now?
Please tick all that apply.
What are the things that are most important to you right now?
We want to know what matters most to you!
What kind of support, services, or opportunities would make a difference in your life or help you connect with the issues you care about?

Help us understand what’s important to you and how we can support you to have a voice in shaping the future.
What kind of support, services, or opportunities would make a difference in your life or help you connect with the issues you care about?
Harrogate’s status as an affluent area means it does not receive the same level of funding or support services as other areas. Do you think this impacts your ability, or the ability of someone you know, to access the help needed to live well because private services are not financially accessible?
Do you have any ideas or suggestions about how a community hub could help, support or provide services to people your age?
Do you have any other ideas or suggestions about how a community hub could help people your age?
Would you be interested in volunteering or getting involved with at community hub?