
  • Francesca Ellis replied to the topic Anxiety coping strategies? in the forum Depression & Anxiety Support 5 years, 3 months ago

    Hello lovely lady,

    Fristly, well done for sharing, that is such a brave thing to do. Also, a great way to deal with it face on.

    For me I struggled to be home alone with my baby & to begin with I just went out walking with him all the time, by myself, which kept me sane but didn’t help me get better. So for me routine & having things to go to where I knew I could be myself & I should share with people how I was feeling. So that was the bigger scale.

    On a smaller scale, hand massage. Massaging from your wrist all the way to the tips of the fingers. It was something an acupuncturist taught me. Think of it as releasing the build up of anxiety, the inner shakes, out through the fingers. It also stops you clenching & tensing up so much. It works with a foot massage as well but much easier with hands, especially if you’re out & about!
    I use the rescue remedy spray & now just knowing I have it in my bag helps.

    I also have an anxiety help check list of people I can call. Top of my list is my mum (even though she lives miles away!). I have talked through with her (&others) how I feel during an anxiety attack & where my mind is at & so she can be my rational voice during the attack & hopefully talk me down. There are also people more local who I can count on & people who know what my situation is so if I turn up on their doorstep with my baby (Not so baby now), & breakdown/say I need to go for a bit, they totally understand & help out. Having this in place is like having a safety net, so I’m less fearful of what happens if I have an attack & in turn brings my level of anxiety down a notch.

    You are doing amazingly well & you will get through the other side of this.

    Lots of love


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