David Riddle

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Your Personal Biography - Write about you, hobbies/topics of interest

My name is David Riddle and have been teaching in schools and colleges for over 17 years. I now run the Harrogate Kumon Centre.

As a parent of two young boys, I understand the importance of helping children to enjoy learning. It is also very important to help children develop their existing skills and discover the benefits of independent study. The Kumon Method of Learning helps children to thrive. Many of the students at my centre are working above their school grade level, some as far as four years ahead of other children their age. Conversely, some of the children who attend the centre started initially because their parents felt they were struggling slightly at school. Because the Kumon Method is so individualised, these children are also making rapid progress. At Kumon, we truly believe our methods enable any child to unlock their full potential. We do this in way, which builds their confidence, self-esteem and makes them determined to be independent learners. If you believe Kumon could help your child, do not hesitate to contact me.


1977-10-14 00:00:00


Full Time

Partner / Spouse

Chantelle Riddle

Child 1 DoB

2014-03-07 00:00:00

Child 2 DoB

2018-02-20 00:00:00

Parenting - This section is designed to help connect people that share similar parenting experiences.

Male/Female parenting

Hobbies and interests

Cinema, Quiz nights, Socialising in general



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