Miranda Gregory

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Last name


Your Personal Biography - Write about you, hobbies/topics of interest

I’m a Mum of 2 red-headed children – Holly is 4 and just started school at Rossett Acre and William is 2 and is as cheeky as they come.

I run a playgroup on a Monday Morning at ChristChurch called Monday Monkeys and as a family we love going out for walks, especially at this time of year.

I also run a company, GPS Return, which helps parents return to work and we’re thrilled to be partnering with MyLifepool.


1982-08-04 00:00:00

Child 1 DoB

2013-01-23 00:00:00

Child 2 DoB

2015-04-06 00:00:00

Parenting - This section is designed to help connect people that share similar parenting experiences.

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