Helen Harker

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Your Personal Biography - Write about you, hobbies/topics of interest

I’m a part-time working mum who welcomed babba number 2 into our family in July!

Our eldest is in school on Knaresborough, there’s a 6 year age gap between our girls.
Covid has thrown a total spanner in the works for this maternity leave. I’ll be returning to work in July 2021.

My husband and I are being as Covid safe as is possible whilst still living our lives and I’d like to meet others who are behaving the same. I would love to meet others who are practicing social distancing. I have started to attend baby classes indoors where 2 metres is adhered to and venturing into town briefly but haven’t as yet felt the urge or draw to go into a pub or restaurant.

I’m looking to make mummy friends for socially distanced coffees and strolls locally…. mums nights might follow post covid or in the spring when it’s warm again to sit outside.

I love the countryside, outdoor walks, camping and music festivals. Pre-pregnancy I enjoyed regular, slow 5km runs and undoing the benefits at the weekend with wine or gin (but not both together).

I have always sat politically on the left and vote Labour but Covid has really put some fire in my belly. I’m also a firm remainer who thinks that Brexit was and is the worst idea ever.

My parenting style is pretty laid back. We don’t sleep train our children but can be firm if it is needed. I’m also a great believer in picking the right battles.

I’m 43 and am fairing surprisingly well through the night feeds.


1976-10-15 00:00:00


Part Time

Child 1 DoB

2014-03-22 00:00:00

Child 2 DoB

2020-07-17 00:00:00

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